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- Have you ever wondered about how shoes were made, and the processes involved?

- Have you ever thought of designing your own shoes and seeing them realized?

- Have you ever dreamed of visiting Italy and experiencing its unique culture first-hand?

If so, this is “the” excursion for you.


If so, join me for an adventure you won’t forget. I am shoemaker Ron Donovan and I am the founder of both, THESHOEMAKERSSTUDIO and RONDONOVAN Footwear & Accessories. For years, I have been splitting my time between New York City and Italy, where I produce my collections. Over this time, I have fallen absolutely in love with Le Marche’. It is renowned for its long history of footwear and accessory making and is one of Italy's most beautiful regions.



Guided by shoemaker and luxury footwear brand founder Ron Donovan, this two (2) hour presentation provides a rudimentary understanding of the processes, from concept to completion, of shoemaking , and address the basics involved in becoming a footwear designer and starting a footwear related business. Donovan will discuss some of the common mistakes made and how they might be avoided. Following the presentation, there will be a 30 minute Q & A session. 


Participants will take away a rudimentary understanding of how to create your own brand identity, how to create a sellable collection, where to find inspiration and how to price and market your line. 


Content Covered Includes: 

- A brief history of shoemaking

- Anatomy of the foot as related to shoemaking

- Nomenclature of the last (the form on which shoes are made)

- Foot measurements and who they relate to the last

- Different types of footwear constructions

- Basic tools and functions

- Basic materials and components

- The steps involve in shoemaking (pattern-making, clicking, closing, lasting soling)

- A downloadable home study guide

- Establishing your business vision

- Developing your product

- Producing your product

- Market positioning

- Taking your products into the world

- My journey

- Mental toughness for the entrepreneur





- A creative, enthusiastic, adventurous and open spirit








An Introduction To Shoemaking & Starting A Craft Business

  • This instructional talk will be presented via ZOOM. Once your payment is received, a link will be sent to your provided email. 

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